What would you advice for personal injury due to negligence?

September 17, 2015


I have personal injury(s) after circumcision.It's very serious for me.I am 44, on dissability, and do not even have kids yet. Operation was done in private hospital,
but 21/2 years ago where, I tried to find lawyers, where two lawyers took my private photos and said good-bye. I did signed doctor's policy before operation,but my new doctor confirmed, that the other DOCTOR WENT TO FAR in NEGLIGENCE, and now cannot be changed FOR LIFE. But how come no lawyer agreed to take to court and knock it down? Why? Don't you have cases just for a scratch and you win? Thank you.


The cold hard truth is, if two med mal lawyers already reviewed your case, you probably won't find another who will take it on. It's a very specialized area of law, and those who practice in the field don't turn down cases of merit.

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