What are my legal options when a doctor who was assigned my case in Nov 2015 after my previous treating doctor suddenly left and

October 7, 2016


My spinal ortho at a large ortho group was prescribing opioid meds at considered now high does for over 10 years. He left without warning Oct or Nov 2015 and I was assigned to another spinal ortho for care. I never met him and was treated by his Physican Assistant with the same prescriptions and doses. suddenly in Aug 2016, some man in a white lab coat came into the exam room for my appt. Never introduced himself, sat at the computer, possibly looked at my cervical MRI and said I was not a surgical candidate and "I'm not writing these scripts for you every month" I just stared at him as he walked out, motioned me out to the check out desk and returned with a xeroxed paper with 2 names of supposed pain management doctors. He wrote me a one month supply of my meds. When I did get to see who he sent me to, the Dr. said he would not write those RXs and didnt even know my doctor. I was out of meds. And given an appt for 2 weeks later. I immediately called my treating dr and have been getting a run around and getting sick. I have all my phone call logs etc. As of today I am still waiting for a call back. There is more but this is a quick outline. I was not formally discharged and feel


Although it is the subject of debate among physicians, there are new CDC guidelines for prescribing opioid pain medications. http://www.cdc.gov/media/dpk/2016/dpk-opioid-prescription-guidelines.html

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