Was diagnosed with chronic myologeus leukemia in '99- its believed by many experts to be caused by exposure to radiation.

October 14, 2015


in 69-70 worked in navy comm. station in morocco. the equipment was always being updated, working on it, was not unusual to have the metal safety shields to be removed for days at a time. but i still had worked in this room.Put in several request for a VA pension. But was always denied, I believe this is where the exposure occurred. I'm sure the military knows how risky these jobs can be, and has tracked it over time. If there is a higher chance to get these crazy diseases working around this type of equipment, it could help me get approval from the VA. I just do not know how to get that information. is there anyone that can help me?


I don't know if you used a lawyer in your past applications for benefits from the VA, but that might be a good idea, so that everything is documented properly. You'd probably need a medical opinion that the CML is attributable to past radiation exposure, but that may be hard to obtain, since you're talking about 40+ years ago. There may be other pension or disability benefits available to you. Best do a search for Veteran's administration lawyers, and reach out to one near you. Good luck.

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