April 24, 2014


Dear Lawyers,
Hi, I filed and served a medical malpractice / misdiagnosis of cancer claim.
The MD insurance company lawyers sent a Defense that stated no facts only bare denials.
I have sent a strong Reply to their Defense and also a Demand for the Particular facts.
Should I just wait and send another demand for particulars next month if they do not respond?
I would like to show them the medical reports and want to start the Discovery phase.
I know I should have a lawyer but I have little money right now.
Any advise on how to start Discovery before they send the particulars?
i do not want to file a motion for judgement on pleading, or striking the pleading as a judge would grant them leave to amend and I figure I would have to pay the costs?
Any ideas for next step?


Truly, this is a situation where a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Please find a medical malpractice lawyer - they ALL take cases on contingency, so you won't be charged. And pray you haven't ruined your case already.

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