My mother is suing two hospitals for my father’s death – one already settled (don’t know the terms as mother is only on the dock

August 17, 2015


However since I am his son, should I sue the hospital myself or am I inherently included once the settlement concludes? My mother is not being forthright with the information. Although they were married, he was not living with her. I just want to make sure that I receive an equal amount of the settlement. Should I contact the attorney myself? I was part of the deposition process.


You don't need to sue, since the wrongful death action has already been brought, however, if your father died without a will, the proceeds of the wrongful death suit will be distributed to the survivors as per New York's intestate distribution law. My advice would be to ask the lawyer handling the case for an update, and he/she can tell you what you would be entitled to.

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