My daddy died of stage 4 bed sores that is how he was sent home after 5 days he passed

September 23, 2015


The hospital sent my daddy home that way after he passed I called the doctor and he told me we were lucky he lived that long as they said they only expected him to live only 3 days we were never told this, then the hospital went in to bankruptcy can the death of my daddy still win the law suite ?????


So sorry to hear of your loss. Stage IV bedsores are at a very advanced stage, and frequently are accompanied by bacterial infection, and even bone erosion. They are reportedly very painful. You don't say what other medical issues your father had, but bedsores are entirely preventable. Sadly, these injuries result from hospital neglect, and the staff must have disregarded the hospital's own protocols. A family member would need to be appointed to represent the estate, and there are several procedural tasks to be done since the hospital is in bankruptcy, but the short answer is yes, you can get justice for your father for these injuries.

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