Do I have a medical malpractice or medical negligence case to sue my neurosurgeon?

September 19, 2014


I had brain surgery in '98 to remove a tumor causing a seizure disorder. After the surgery until now, I've experienced awful, debilitating depression &anxiety that seems to get worse throughout the yrs. I've dropped out of school,stopped working, barely have a social life,etc. I've been seeing psychiatrists for yrs & am on prescriptions. Recently, my psychiatrist referred me to a Neuropsychologist because he had this "intuition"that my brain surgery was correlated to my mental ailments. After thorough evaluation, 2 Neuro-psychologist came to the conclusion that the brain damage & HOLE IN MY BRAIN acquired from the surgery was 99% linked to my depression &anxiety. BUT there wasn't a single note/report in my medical records via my neurosurgeon regarding damage to my brain. Can I file a suit?


Dear asker, without commenting on whether there was malpractice at all (presumably removal of a brain tumor is not without its consequences), you are about 13 1/2 years too late to file suit. Best of luck with your treatment.

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