Can my son's mother take any of my malpractice lawsuit money?

May 7, 2018


I've just got my disability and was fighting for it for 6 years and in 2016 a doctor cut a nerve from a rotator cuff surgery and my son's mother (I was never married to her) says she can take a lot of the malpractice lawsuit money from me. Does she have rights to the money. I can never work again and my son stays with me a lot and with her a lot. Can someone help answer my question...TY


If you have a med mal case from a 2016 surgical injury, you need to ask your lawyer instead of going online for answers. If you don't have one, you need to get one. I'm guessing what she means is for child-support you might owe her. Otherwise, she's not entitled to a dime from your malpractice lawsuit.

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